As a consequence of the pandemic, WCBN-FM 88.3 Ann Arbor
reverted to playing reruns of its previously recorded
shows, with a station ID at the top of the hour and ever
hour playing one of a variety of "Wash Your Hands" PSAs.
Live remotes are slowly returning to WCBN as the station
comes up with more and more shows that can be originated
off-site. A partial list follows as of the June 21, 2020
- Monday 2:00 p.m.: Y against X with RC
- Tuesday 6:30 p.m.: Interactive Technlogies with Pan
- Tuesday 7:00 p.m.: Train to Skaville with Brian Tomsic
- Tuesday 8:00 p.m.: Go Kat Go! with Del
- Wednesday 11:00 p.m.: Freeform with Herb
- Thursday 3:00 p.m.: Freeform with TeacherPatti
- Thursday 7:00 p.m.: Face the Music (rerun) with Arwulf
- Thursday 10:00 p.m.: Crush Collision
- Friday midnight: Undefined Behavior
- Saturday 7:00 p.m.: Dance Hall Reggae with Brian Tomsic
- Saturday 9:00 p.m.: Prop Shop with DJ Chill Will
- Sunday noon: Mediterranean Diet
- Sunday 3:00 p.m.: Sounds of the Subcontinent
- Sunday 4:00 p.m.: Pan-African Heartbeat
- Sunday 7:00 p.m.: Waves with DJ Jojo
All programming subject to change, contact the WCBN website
at W W W dot W C B N dot ORG for details.
We'll get through this, as long as we all continue to give...Power to the Transmitter!