The ARROW club has a new 220 MHz repeater online in Ann Arbor, linked to the club's 2 meter repeater. After some extensive testing and configuration by Jay WB8TKL, it debuted at the ARROW AMPteam outing on Monday, December 16, 2024. Nine hardy souls checked in from the club's field outing to Hunt Park on the 220 side of the linked repeater system.
At that time I had a 220 MHz radio (my tri-band BTECH UV-5X3) tuned through a VFO to the 224.38 MHz output of the repeater, and I was able to listen to the net just fine. But that radio didn't have the right 220 antenna on it and it's a bit of a fuss to program this Baofeng style radio from the front panel, so at that point I just was listening.
It turns out that a little bit of shopping in the attic found the box where the 220 antenna lives, and a little bit of research got the radio programmed correctly, and another box yielded a CHIRP cable to dial in the frequencies into a saved channel correctly.
Better yet, I made my first crossband QSO on 220 this afternoon! I talked to Kevin KF8CTY, a new ham who was testing out a new 2 meter rig in his truck.
220 gear is not anywhere near as common as 2m or 70cm equipment, but the low-end gear is not expensive. Radioddity sells a UV-5RX3 tri-band transceiver (less than $30 in 2024) with two antennas, one for 2m/70cm and one for 220. The BTECH UV-5X3 is a very similar radio but features USB-C charging (less than $70).
For a base station, some suggestions from club members: Alinco DR-CS25t (220 MHz monoband, 50 watts, about $250); Radioddity QB25 (2m/70cm/220 Mhz, 25 watts, about $120).
Comet makes an antenna, the Comet CX-333, about 10 feet tall (about $185). For your HT, the tri-band Nagoya NA-320A (about $20) should cover your needs.
I suppose the next challenge here is to get some simplex frequencies tested out! (You'll want to schedule those connections.) 223.50 MHz is the national simplex calling frequency on 1.25 meters.
W8RP Ann Arbor is two linked systems, one on 146.96- (2 meters) and one on 224.38- (1.25 meters). The repeater is located at Wolverine Tower near I-94 and State Street and has good coverage throughout Wasthenaw County. I don't honestly know what the propagation footprint is for the 220 side, that will have to yield to further experimentation.
(updated 2024-12-27 with more equipment options).
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