If you enjoy any of these parts of the hobby in the presence of a purist, you'll get the dismissive reply that these are "not real ham radio".
Digital voice modes. DMR, D-Star, YSF etc get rejected because they use the Internet to interconnect repeaters.
Packet radio, because there are computers involved.
CB radio, MURS, FRS because you don't need a ham license.
Digital data modes. FT8 is ruining the hobby, real hams use morse code or maybe RTTY.
APRS, because there's an APRS-IS internet interconnect and you don't need a radio to participate.
Satellite communications (!) because they involve the use of repeaters. (Repeaters in orbit! But still repeaters.)
Shortwave listening, because if you're not transmitting it's not really ham radio.
DX listening through remote receivers like KiwiSDR. (The internet again, and radio only counts if it's your wires and not someone else's.)
As originally posted to https://mastodon.radio/@w8emv/112396500981498241
Thanks to contributors: Chris P., N7KOM, VE2UWY, Imogen, KR1ST, croyle, WD9EWK, VE3QBZ, N6UTC, Ian, AC7KY, W1RCP. Special thanks to K8BYP.
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