Notes for July 25, 2014.
I have been having intermittent problems reaching the W8UM repeater, and that's been puzzling. The repeater is located on top of the Dennison building less than a mile from my house, and it's always been easy to hit it. I shrugged it off as a transient problem but it lingered.
The UV-5R has a channel mode, where it can display either a channel name or a channel frequency. I usually set the A channel to be a frequency readout and the B channel to be a name readout. Much to my surprise, when I was working through the frequency side of things, I saw a 136.025 Mhz frequency assigned to the slot where W8UM's 145.230 Mhz should be.
A little bit of Googling later located this helpful page
Baofeng UV5R: Erratic Behavior and Recovery
which goes into detail on a lot of ways that these radios can lose their tiny little minds, and how to fix them by loading a "good fresh initial software image back into memory" using CHIRP.
Haven't gotten to fixing this yet but I thought I should write it down where someone else might find it too.
Found it....
Posted by: Richard | 05/07/2019 at 10:40 PM