I had a tour of the U of Michigan Amateur Radio Club shack on the UM North Campus in the EECS building, and joined the club this weekend. Dues are $20/yr; it's open to University of Michigan students, staff, faculty and alumni.
The next step is to get checked out on the equipment so that I can operate everything that I have a license for. The first order of events is to learn how to operate their very nice 2 meter base station, complete with an adjustable antenna. I'm expecting that I'll get better reception and better transmission than with my Baofeng handheld.
The club call sign is W8UM. As of this writing there are about 35 members, and I'd like to see that number increase.
Greetings from W9NT--Michigan '54. Still like to work collegiate stations, and esp those from
the Big 10. ( A LONG time ago I did work U of M--Go Blue!!!!!). Later on, some more deja vu, and an idea or two.
I also hold the call--W0BSU (Bemidji Sat U) where I earned a MA as a retirement project.
Any other 'Bluers' out there for contacts. Maybe we could discuss events at the Pretzel Bell!
Gurnee Bridgman, BA'54
Posted by: Gurnee Bridgman | 08/28/2015 at 07:17 PM