This blog has been offline for a few years, but now in 2023 it seems like more than ever libraries around the United States need their patrons to advocate for them against attacks.
I'm putting this old blog back online. It its heyday, it got me quoted in professional library publications, invited to conferences, and mentioned in the same paragraph as Google Books. Time has moved on a bit, and the modernization of online library catalogs is largely complete.
What's changed the most since then is a coordinated set of efforts to restrict the availability of books available through libraries, and political efforts to defund or shut down libraries and librarians who provide materials to their patrons.
I don't know how far I'm going to get with the "new" Superpatron, but it's worth at least revisiting the things that seemed so important a decade ago, and to refresh this blog (new design at least is likely) to reflect that.
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