Jon Udell did a talk on remixing the library at the Global Research Library summit.
Abstract: In an online world of small pieces loosely joined, librarians are among the most well qualified and highly motivated joiners of those pieces. Library patrons, meanwhile, are in transition. Once mainly consumers of information, they are now, on the two-way web, becoming producers too. Can libraries function not only as centers of consumption, but also as centers of production?
mentioned in it: Library Lookup, Dune's "guild navigators", "folding space", xISBN, books on an Amazon wishlist available at your library, PatREST, superpatrons, superlibrarians, community photo aggregation, community calendar aggregation, libraries vs. newspapers as local information sources, community crime data, geocoding, Many Eyes, libraries as physical space, libraries in the mall, libraries as centers of production.
(sounded like an awesome talk - much to think about - much to do)
Technorati Tags: udell, judell, grl2020, library, arborparents
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