The folks who do the software development at the Ann Arbor District Library have started a developer blog.
Welcome to the AADL Developer Blog! Software Development is a big part of what we do here at AADL, and this section of is the place to keep up with our new features, see what our developers are working on, and find out what kind of tools we're playing with.
We also have open-source software that we've developed available for download, and you can find that here. Please feel free to comment on our posts or contactus if you have any other questions, and thanks for your interest
Recent blog postings include creating custom content types in Drupal, Eli Neiburger's talk on choosing games for your library , the development of the Library Lego League, and a sonnet regarding library card renewal alerts for III.
A tragedy! Your AADL card
Has now expired, and you must renew.
Just keeping track of all this stuff is hard,
And each new thing is one more thing to do.
Technorati Tags: aadl, annarbor, michigan, drupal, games, eli-neiburger, lego, iii, innovative-interfaces
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