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05 October 2010



I expect visitors to look at the books on my shelves, so I arrange them in blocks according to which are the easiest to see: Fiction front and center, so we can talk about our similar tastes, Cook Books nearby where guests inevitably ask how many of those books I purchased on my own (almost none), Geek Books down below since there's not much conversation to be had about them.

Ed Vielmetti

I have way too many books in boxes in the basement; it's time to photograph them and set them free so that someone else can read them. (I'll save the photograph and use that as the artifact to share, I guess, is the theory.)


Yes, please do! A photograph of a book can be a photograph of a mutual friend.

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About Superpatron

  • Superpatron

    For library patrons who love their libraries, who take advantage of everything they have to offer, and are always on the lookout for great ideas from libraries around the world. From Edward Vielmetti, [email protected] .

    Follow me on Mastodon as @[email protected]
