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26 February 2009


John Simmons

It would be great if their search parsing worked at all. I can go in knowing the title of the book I want and yet the Catalog Search can never find it. I end up using Amazon.com to look up the book and get the ISBN and paste it into the catalog search. They have more videos than books. The "librarians" are only there to update aadl rss feeds. The signs are in Arabic but not English, when there are signs. No signs on the floors of the Main Library downtown. Super Smash Brothers tournaments. Abstract art built by a chimp friend of the Library. E-mail notifications for pick-ups that aren't there for two more days. The A2 ignorant smugness that we all love. Yeah, I am with you man. I have better results with GOOG and searching for the book title plus aadl. How broken is that when an outside engine works better than your own with system level access to the database?

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