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04 January 2009


Dan Becker

Ed, I think the trend-spotter in you is absolutely bang right on about the future of the vast majority of eBook reading. My prediction, though: you may be surprised at how long dedicated purpose eBook readers will stick around to serve a slice of the market.

I found your blog while looking for information on creating a LibX Edition for my local library, Seattle Public Library.

I bet a lot of your readers, aspiring super patrons themselves, would be happy to create LibX Editions for their own libraries. They should check out http://LibX.org.

Edward Vielmetti

Dan, thanks for the LibX pointer. How long did it take you to make one of these for Seattle?

As for dedicated book readers, I do agree with you - I'd expect that any sub-$20 portable device with at least a marginal screen and some way to get data on and off of it will be repurposed at some point to read books. I don't know that all of them will support all flavors of DRM - and perhaps that doesn't matter - but the desire to pick up something to read while you are on the move is so common that you'd expect it to be near universal.

Jill Fever

$187 to fix is a scary thought... I'm very interested in seeing how the first few months of Apple's iPad works out and how many issues they have. First generations typically clear the way of issues for future generations, I suspect the iPad will be no different. Of course I'll be buying one anyway.

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About Superpatron

  • Superpatron

    For library patrons who love their libraries, who take advantage of everything they have to offer, and are always on the lookout for great ideas from libraries around the world. From Edward Vielmetti, [email protected] .

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