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23 December 2008


Pete Gordon

Blackberries are not true Java-compliant phones. It's strange that you could even load it. Make sure you have a standard Java phone supporting at least MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.0. Most mobile games on the web are JAR, but wont work on Blackberry either. Blackberries are very special kind of devices.

Pete Gordon

HTML is stupid. Real reading experience should include page-wise turning, not scrolling. I have to give praise for PG Mobile, because I love to read Gutenberg books on my Nokia. There's not much I need, leave a bookmark and turn the pages. That's it and these mobile books are perfectly well suited for that.

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  • Superpatron

    For library patrons who love their libraries, who take advantage of everything they have to offer, and are always on the lookout for great ideas from libraries around the world. From Edward Vielmetti, [email protected] .

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