Posted for Megan Fox - contact info at the bottom
We are planning a day long “Mobile” track for Computers
in Libraries 2009 <
We are looking for proposals for 45 minute sessions, which could feature mobile efforts in your library, special mobile services or collections, or any other innovative mobile program.
Do your patrons use a mobile interface to your catalog? Tour the stacks with their iphone? Do you transcode your web pages for mobile access? Have you moved on from IM-ing to texting/SMS at the reference desk? Are you teaching patrons how to query Google, Yahoo, Live and other search engines through texting or their mobile portals? Are you including mobile resources on your subject guides and pathfinders? Can patrons text a citation from your catalog to their phone instead of writing down a call number? Instead of emailing overdue notices, does your ILS text them? If so, please share your experiences with other librarians and information professionals.
If you are interested in presenting on any aspect of mobile tools and applications for libraries, please send me a paragraph describing your proposed topic.
Speakers attend this popular conference for free, and some assistance is available for travel/lodging.
Please feel free to share this call for proposals with other potential speakers.
Associate Director for Technology and Special Projects
Simmons College Library
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115
ph: 617.521.2742
fax: 617.521.3093
[email protected]