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20 June 2008


Owen Stephens

A few years ago I heard a speaker from a Danish library talk about something they were doing/thinking of doing with a 'fairy tale' cave for children - an area of the library, that when the children entered with an RFID tagged book, would project images or play a soundtrack relevant to the book they had.

I blogged the talk at http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas/2005/09/rfid.html, but unfortunately I didn't record the name of the speaker. From the programme, looks like they were from Silkeborg Public Library in Denmark

Dave Pattern

You might want to browse around the Blink web site (http://www.blinkmedia.org) -- especially the "Genie" and "Snakes & Ladders" projects :-)

I've been dying to do an RFID suggester for a pile of books for a couple of years now. I'll have to chase up our RFID supplier to see how I can interface with one of their RFID pads.

We've got an RFID booksorter that pauses on a "please wait" screen for several seconds as it processed each book -- it'd be great if we could change that so the user gets a "did you find this book useful?" with big "YES" and "NO" buttons on the touchscreen :-)

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  • Superpatron

    For library patrons who love their libraries, who take advantage of everything they have to offer, and are always on the lookout for great ideas from libraries around the world. From Edward Vielmetti, [email protected] .

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