From the IRIS web site:
Getting the daily news from Iowa newspapers is as easy as turning on the radio for the 50,000 plus Iowans who cannot read due to impaired vision or physical handicap. More than 260 volunteers around Iowa donate countless hours reading the news from Iowa newspapers, magazines and other publications. With programming from In Touch Network in New York and from Radio Talking Book in St. Paul, the Iowa Radio Reading Information Service (IRIS) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
IRIS is a member of the International Association of Audio Information Services and is one of approximately 150 non-profit radio reading services for the blind and print handicapped in the United States. IRIS exists solely on contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations and special events. In addition to reading on the air, volunteers support IRIS by delivering radios to listeners and helping in outreach activities.
Listen to the Main IRIS Live Audio Stream
Special thanks to Real Networks for providing IRIS the ability to stream our broadcast services on the Internet.
Listen to Waterloo-Cedar Falls IRIS Stream
Special thanks to the University of Northern Iowa KUNI station and our affiliate KHKE for allowing us to stream this special version of our network.
This is similar to the internet-only Assistive Media service that I work with, which features magazine articles from Harpers, the New Yorker, and other literary and general interest publications.