json2csv converts json into csv with column titles and proper line endings. It will work on a lot of JSON files, though if your input is deeply nested it might be tricky to bend it to your will. See zemirco/json2csv on Github, or json2csv on npm. It is written for Node.JS.
jsonexport also converts json to csv, and it uses a slightly different set of rules which may be more suitable to your input file. See kaue/jsonexport on Github, or jsonexport on npm. It's also written for Node.JS.
jq, the all-purpose JSON Swiss-army knife tool, can do virtually anything with a JSON file, including exporting it in a CSV-compatible format.
Sometimes, learning these tools will be frustrating if they don't match up to JSON data returned by complex APIs. In particular, chasing your way through trees can be syntax that's not obvious, and the more tree-like your data the harder it is to corral it into tabular format.
Once the data is happily in a CSV format, there are a whole lot
of tools that can manipulate it easily, ranging from traditional
spreadsheets, SQL-based query languages, and even GPU-enabled
data manipulation tools like Rapids.AI. Of all of these, the
command line tool I turn to first is csvkit,
a set of tools for manipulating CSV data. It too includes a
tool for going from JSON to CSV, in2csv
, which does an excellent
job at denaturing deeply-nested data back into tabular formats.