Two new parks for me today, Eberwhite Nature Area and Arboretum Nature Area (128 and 129), plus a radio activation of Hanover Square Park.
Eberwhite Woods is well marked around its perimeter, but the city-owned Eberwhite Nature Area was a bit harder to find. I ended up looping around it then going to the end of a private drive to get close enough to convince myself that I had been there. There's more in that woods to explore! Strava:
Arboretum Nature Area is a city-owned chunk of the Nichols Arboretum. Notably the peony garden is marked by a monumental rock that includes the city seal and the U's block M.
The bonus for the evening was taking my radio to Hanover Square Park on my bike and operating from there. It's very much a city park with a sculpture and a park bench to sit on. There was not quite enough light to see my notebook so I didn't log everything, but it was a good discussion with Gus W8AWT as net control for the University of Michigan Amateur Radio Club net. I know I have done radio from that part before - if I remember right I used the sculpture as a weird ground plane - but this is the first that I logged as such. The UMARC net had to change frequencies and use the ARROW repeater because the club repeater was acting wonky. Strava:
According to my notes, 15.9 miles today over the span of 89 minutes on the road is about 10.7 mph.